Wonderfull wool
Short transport for wool to the mill
Environmentally friendly product that is produced and processed in harmony with the environment.
We process wool bought from farmers in our local area.
The wool comes to us in the autumn when sheeps are housed for winter.
Sheep has grazed summerlong on the arctic highland.
Icelandic weather conditions is pretty unpredictable.
In the blink of an eye, it can change from sun and heat
into rain and wind and nights can be icy cold.

The Icelandic sheep is from the category of Northern-European short-tailed breed
The wool has 2 types of threads, Þel and tog.
Þel is short, thin, warm and soft threads.
Tog is longer, stronger, keeps away rain and wind.
Together they form unique qualities in the yarn.
Both soft and warm but also strong.
The wool is not dyed so the natural
colors of individuals sheeps shines into the yarn.
Our products
Undyed wool
The woolyarn in undyed making the natural sheep colours shine with their rich characters
Smooth process
The process goes gentle hands on the wool enhancing the natural propeties of the wool The human hand is involved in every step in the process making it artisan yarn.
From local farmers
The wool is locally sourced from farmers breeding the icelandic sheep in the arctic north. Wool is sheared in november and than arrives to the woolmill.
Mill at the farm
The wool is fully processed at the Gilhagi farm. The wool makes jobs opportunities for the family at Gilhagi.